Here follows a list of additional missions to be used in the campaign, as your team fight for survival on the surface of Maelstrom Congeris. (Note that the missions might be subject of revision in the future)
1. Assault
Two forces collide in the wasteland, both desperately trying to advance and gain ground while negating the opposing forces which tries to do the same.
This mission uses the diagonal deployment from the original missions 3 and 4 in the Kill Team rules.
Each player places an objective in his/her deployment zone. This must be at least 6" from the table edge.
When the game ends, a player wins if he/she is controlling the opponents objective while the opponent does not control his objective. If both controls each others' objective or no objective is controlled, the game is a draw.
At all cost - Any model within 3" of an objective is fearless.
2. Sabotage
Covert missions are not uncommon in war, where both sides are trying to sabotage the other with explosives, radar scrambles and listening devices. Will any team be able to deploy their saboteurs, while keeping the enemy sappers at bay?
This mission uses the horizontal deployment from the original missions 1,2 and 6 in the Kill Team rules.
Each players begins with a sabotage device, which is treated the same way as the Relic from the eternal war mission found in the Warhammer 40 000 rulebook. These devices should be marked properly so that the original owning team may be identified.
When the game ends, a player wins if he/she her sabotage device is in the opponents deployment zone while the opponent does not have his/her sabotage device in the players deployment zone. A sabotage device that is not carried by a model still counts when deciding the outcome of the game. If both players have brought their devices to the other's deployment zone, or none of the players have done so, the game is a draw.
3. King of the Hill
High ground can be crucial in battle, and in this scenario even more so. Whether an important vantage point of the stash of a killed scout, a tall ruin becomes the heart of a hurricane of violence.
This mission uses the diagonal deployment from the original missions 3 and 4 in the Kill Team rules.
Place a ruin (or an equal piece of terrain) at least 3 floors tall in the middle of the board. This ruin is considered to have ladders between each floor. The topmost floor of this ruin is the objective of the game.
When the game ends, a player wins if he/she is controlling the topmost floor while the opponent does not have any model there. If both players have models on the topmost floor or none of the players have, the game is a draw.
This... is... (Insert battlecry here)! - Any model at the topmost floor in close combat may perform a special attack instead of it's ordinary attacks. If the attack hits, the model which is hit must then pass a toughness test or be kicked over the edge. The model is considered to have fallen the distance to the ground, suffering damage a normal according to the Kill Team rules.
4. Bloodbath
Sometimes when opposing forces clash, it is more than mere battle. Whether fueled by intense bloodlust, the madness of Khorne or simple vengeful desperation, the battlefield is assured to run slick with blood and entrails.
This mission uses the horizontal deployment from the original missions 1,2 and 6 in the Kill Team rules.
In this mission, the objective is to slay as many points worth of enemies as possible. A slain model gives as many victory points as it is worth when purchasing from the appropriate mini-codex. Models in a squad are counted individually.
In the end of the game, a player wins if he/she has more than 50 victory points than here enemy. If the difference is less than 50, the game is a draw.
This mission does NOT use the rules for rout.
Send in the next wave! - All core models from both teams have this special rule. When the model or squad is killed, an identical unit enters play from reserve. The new unit enters from the owning players table edge. Such a unit may not utilize any special deployment rules, such as outflank or infiltrate. The new unit will give points when killed in the same way as the original.
The owner of a squad may, at the end of any turn, remove the remnants of a damaged squad to allow a full squad to enter the game. The damaged squad still counts as killed for the purpose of victory points.
Campaign clarification: Models will count as slain at the end of the game if the unit or squad has been slain even once during the game.
5. Escort
A non-combatant is present on the battlefield, and needs to be brought safely across the battlefield. Although heavily protected, the escort will still be a tempting target for enemies to intercept and capture.
This mission uses the diagonal deployment from the original missions 3 and 4 in the Kill Team rules.
Before the game begins, the players will roll of to decide which player will be the attacker and escort.
The escorting player will have a special model which begins the game at the absolute corner of her deployment zone. This model will henceforth be referred to as the Ward. The Ward has the following stat line:
The Ward
Unit type: Infantry (character)
WS: 1 BS: 1 S: 3 T: 4 W: 3 I: 4 A: 1 Ld: 7
Special rules: Non-combatant, Get behind me!, Hit&Run
Wargear: The best we've got and more
Non-combatant: This unit can never declare a charge
Get behind me!: If this unit is the target of a charge, the charge will be redirected to the nearest unengaged friendly model within 3". Move the intervening model the minimum distance required to bring it into base contact with the charging model. This will leave the Ward unengaged in assault. If there are no unengaged friendly models within 3", the charge proceeds as normal.
The best we've got and more: The ward is outfitted with an atrocious amount of defensive wargear. This gives the ward +1 toughness (Included in the profile above), a 3+ invulnerable save and the Eternal Warrior special rule.
The escorting player wins if the Ward is within 6" of the enemy corner at the end of any full game turn (including both players turns). The attacking player wins if the Ward is slain, and more than 25% (rounded up) of the models in the attacking team are still alive. If the ward has not reached it's goal, or the attacking players have less than 25% of the models left, the game is a draw.
6. Maelstrom
Drawn like moth to flame, opposing forces arrive from every direction towards a central objective too tempting or important to pass up on.
This mission uses the diagonal deployment from the original missions 3 and 4 in the Kill Team rules.
Place an objective in the center of the field.
Before deployment, each player selects half of their models (rounded up) which will begin the game placed in reserves. When arriving from reserves, these models may arrive from any table edge.
When the game ends, a player wins if he/she is controlling the central objective while the opponent does not. If both players have models within 3" of the central objective or none of the players do, the game is a draw.
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