++++++++ From: Dietrick Armengarde, Rogue Trader, Captain of the Dies Suberbia
++++++++ Via astropath - beacon: ERROR
++++++++ Countersignal: ERROR
Why has nothing been heard? Why has no answer been given? Surely the Emperor's might is enough to deliver his faithful servant from the silent jaws of oblivion? For two Terran months I have waited and, Emperor forgive my impudence, I am starting to lose faith. Most of the crew are dead, either by rioting or suicide. The halls of the mighty Dies Superbia has been given an eerie and haunted feeling , and neither of the surviving key personnel has escaped the nightmares which followed. Something is here with us and, Emperor protect me, I do not know if it is real or not. Two terran days ago, Arch-Militant Gascaard was found dead in his chamber. He had taken his own life. I have named a replacement, but I fear that the darkness we are dwindling down into will claim her as well as we slowly spiral towards some terrible fate.
Down on the mad planet below, the situation seems even more dire. The whole continent has recently been shaken by great tremors as a great ocean materialized above a part of the great landmass. The unimaginable amount of red-tinted water crashed down upon parts of the land, shaking the rest with a great earthquake. The remains of Hive Infelix was spared a watery doom, but my sensors indicate that the tremors caused a great number of Hive-quakes, causing great parts of the gigantic structure to collapse. The auspex can still pick up activity from it's depths, giving me reason to think that some of the forces in the depths of it's vaults have managed to survive. It gives me a strange sense of justice to see them trapped, just like me.
The communication has become more garbled and filled with static since the tremors, but what I am able to pick up fills me with loathing. It seems like some parts of the forces has forged temporary alliances, and all seems to be hell bent on finding a way out. What desperation that would drive and imperial citizen to willingly side with the vile xenos or vicious heretics is beyond my understanding, although a person of my own stature and integrity could never fathom the mind of traitors. May they all slowly wither away in the depths, deserving of a much worse death than this loyal servant.
You must come. I have always been loyal. I deserve this salvation, this reward for my faith. You must come!
Special Mission - The Tunnels
The forces find themselves trapped in the dark, dwindling tunnels beneath the Hive. Supplies are short, and enemies could lurk behind every corner. The situation leads to desperation, desperation leads to doubt, doubt leads to compromising and compromising leads to makeshift alliances. The allure of one less enemy to fight gives way to temporary alliances between enemies, until they are clear of these infernal tunnels. After that, no pardon will be shown. This might lead to their salvation, but alas, others have gotten the same idea.
This mission is played with 4 players divided into two teams. The model's of the team uses the rules for Allies of convenience.
The mission uses the horizontal deployment from the original missions 1,2 and 6 in the Kill Team rules.
When setting up terrain, use buildings an walls to form tunnels of varying width and length, along with smaller open spaces like rooms.
The space between these tunnels are considered impassable terrain, even for jump infantry and jet pack infantry. Only models that moves via means of teleportation may pass in between the walls, but this is riskier than usual. When moving such a model, state that the model will try to move between the tunnel walls. If the move of the model is not enough to to completely pass the wall, the model is moved through but immediately takes a S5 AP2 hit as parts of it materializes in the solid walls. Once stated that such a jump will be attempted, the owner of the model cannot elect to move another way if the distance isn't enough.
Due to the close quarters and cramped nature of the tunnels, it is easier to fire upon charging enemies. Any model firing overwatch may do it on it's full BS if it can succeed on an initiative test.
The objective of the game is to kill as much points worth of models from the opposing team as possible. A slain model awards it's point cost as victory points to the opposing team. A team wins if they have killed 100+ more points worth of models than the opposing team.
In the case of rout, remove all the models from the routing team. That player is still considered to have won if his/her ally manages to win, but all of the routing players models are counted as casualties at the end of the game for the purpose of calculating victory points.
Make note of which team that you play this scenario with during the week. This may vary from game to game. At the end of the week, all players may choose a single free item from one of the armories belonging to a team that the player won a game/played a draw with . This item may cost up to 15 pts, and can be given to any Team leader or special model which normally have access to the armory. Armours may not be chosen, and the campaign moderator must approve of each player's choice, to prevent any of greater imbalance. This item ignores any restrictions such as <model x> only. How they procured the item is up to the players. Whether it was given as a gift, stolen or something else, the effect is the same. The item, like a legendary weapon, does not increase the point value of a model.
An example: An Astra Militarum team fights alongside a host of Necrons and are victorious. In accordance of the ancient codes of battle, the Necron Lord commands his Cryptek to give the Commanding officer a Gloom Crystal as a gift, to honour their temporary collaboration and their return to being honourable opponents.
An example: An Astra Militarum team fights alongside a host of Necrons and are victorious. In accordance of the ancient codes of battle, the Necron Lord commands his Cryptek to give the Commanding officer a Gloom Crystal as a gift, to honour their temporary collaboration and their return to being honourable opponents.
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